
Showing posts from May, 2012

The Indian Secular Experiment.

India was never a secular country. But neither was it communal. For a country, where partition (based on religion) was the price it had to pay for its Freedom, it was very difficult for the architects of modern day India to make a constitution that was religion indifferent. But it was better done,than said. Religion was kept out of the governing principles and state followed a neutral, no favor policy towards all religion, as an attempt to safeguard its future against the odd that it had just witnessed. India threw off the cloak of imperial legacy to became world’s largest democracy. The newly formed constitution ensured that the interests of its citizen were safeguarded equally. But this was detrimental to the growth of the political agenda and dynastic Politics. A democratically united India shall not let itself be ruled by a crown again. But what if, the crown championed a representative cause.   And with the 42 nd amendment act , the cause was born. India constitutionally declare