
Showing posts from 2015

Home Decor -DIY ideas

Flipping through pages of house keeping/ interior magazines, while waiting for my turn at salon, i have always desired to posses one of those swanky homes, done to every detail. Rich, fashionable and very contemperory.But if there was only one way to decorate your home....n that is the best part about decorating your own home. It does not have to be like any of those magazine houses, but still can be equally fashionable and personal. A home is where your heart is...n all u need to put in a little mind to what your heart says and lo you get a tastefully decorated living space. You can give the professiobal designers a run for their money if you just keep few simple things in mind. 1) Dont kill it :- never over do. Remember you are decorating a house and not designing  a film set. Keep it Clutter free. DO NOT ever buy things that you will not require in future. They will just add to junk that you pile in that "small room" under the stair case. Sometimes just rearranging th


Mumbai is a great city.. A complex city, of simple people. The greatest luxury in the life of an average Mumbaikar is the prized ‘Window Seat” in the local. No sooner is the train in sight; half the population of octogenarian present on platform and nearly all the middle aged men are in air in anticipation of landing into the local, even before it comes to a halt, just for that prized window seat. The precise calculation of the velocity of jump and the angle of propulsion is so complex that it would make a neat research paper involving the most complex mathematical formulation. But then it is Mumbai, and mark you no one perfects the act as well as a Mumbaikar who tries this gravity defying stunt several times a day. For the less fortunate ones, less said the better. No other group of humans, except the 1.8 million mumbaikars, will ever agree to mutually continue living in as infrastructur-ally challenging conditions as prevalent here. The vestiges of the roads, found scatter

Everything thats wrong with Mr Onkar Date's disgust with India.

Don’t know where to start. Onkar Date’s   letter seems horridly wrong, not only in its idea and execution   but also in its self righteous reproach. He begins by saying, “usually I wouldn’t have been affected much by what I read in the newspaper. Scandals, murders,explosions etc, So I can usually go back to my study after some time”. Now what sort of 16yr old boy finds all other “murders, explosions” but for this case, as USUAL? He goes on to lament on India’s economic progress, trying to render the toils of millions of us useless, just because a certain incident. Where else does an entire nation, it billion plus people or its hardworking population are all painted as criminal, only, and only because a certain gruesome crime happened in one of its cities? He generalizes what rapist say as TRADITION of INDIA. I would want to ask Mr Date parents, is this they have taught their son?   Does he believes in a stray remark of a rapist and understands it as the Tradition of INDIA or h