Why Rahul Jayker was wrong...

This is, Rahul Jaykar, a supremely self obsessed guy with misplaced sense of moral magnanimity. He wants to make a star out of Aarohi. Picks him up, brings her to the big city and does all right things to make this damsel in distress into what HE imagines she should be. Bingo, all goes well and a star in born. Our super hero pats himself on his back. He has shown the world what he is capable off. He had a dream for HER and he turned it into reality, without ever thinking, if SHE shared the same dream. But then he was doing this all for her sake. He wanted to make Aarohi a star, he did. But did we at any point in time, wonder if Aarohi wanted the same? She subjected to his wishes and he to alcoholism. She left all for his sake; he could not abstain from drinking.  He wanted Aarohi to attain success, acquire material pleasures, but what if Aarohi never wanted too…? Love was too strong a force with Aarohi to say no to Rahul. Rahul was too strong to ever give in Aarohi’s LOVE. All Aarohi wanted was Rahul, but Rahul wanted an Aarohi, not the one he has met but the one who he has always secretly dreamt about. He wanted to make a commercial success of Aarohi, but she wanted to make a life with Rahul. He cared, cared for his dreams and what others said, but never for, what Aarohi wanted. He believed in what people said, but could never trust Aarohi enough to let her live the way she wanted. What if Aarohi wanted to stay with Rahul, not loose him. Why was her idea of leaving a flourishing career to take care of the love of her life not compatible with Rahul's idea of life for her/
But we must not forget, Rahul died. But did he sacrifice himself to liberate Aarohi? Was that the reason he killed himself? He died because he wanted Aarohi to live HIS dream. He killed himself because he did not have courage to stand up and say, he LOVED Aarohi, and that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. A confession that would have put an end to all the allegations which so enraged him. He was afraid, yes afraid of himself. He was a looser and having lost his stardom due to alcoholism his only aim was to attain it. He used Aarohi as a vector of his dreams. Was kind of liberation was it for Aarohi, to live all her live alone, wanting to be loved, to belong? Why was she to carry the burden of dream they saw together,all alone? What if Aarohi had committed suicide? But then she lived on, for the sake of promise she had made, for the sake of her love. She lived on to make HIS dreams come true. Why could not have Rahul lived with Aarohi? What made it so difficult for Rahul to accept his love for Aarohi?
Is love all about dreaming and not letting dream. Is life all about Success and not love? What hell would have broken,had Aarohi left her singing to spend his life with Rahul.  Is love about deciding alone? Why could Rahul not understand, Aarohi never wanted to conquer world. HE was his WORLD.


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