
Showing posts from April, 2014

India will decide how NaMo fares

While Shailaja Bajpai may be a good journalist, but Logic does not seem to be her forte. She rates Rahul Gandhis interview as tough. As a representative of Congress he was cornered on 84. Just to make things easier for her to understand, can an interviewer corner Ms Shailaja on 26/11? While my question may sound bizarre, but logic is plain and simple, one can be CORNERED only on things that he/she is PART off and not on issues that one is not remotely associated with. So Shailaja in a way admits that party that RaGa represents has some role to play in 84 riots and hence he was cornered.  The basic flaw in her arguments lies in Assuming Rahul Gandhi as the PM candidate of the Congress party. A decision that even Congress party has not taken. So what prompts Ms Bajpai to assume that RaGa is the PM candidate of congress and UPA? Is she endorsing the fact that no one apart from the dynasty can assume the position? If not, then RaGa appeared for an interview as a representative of