India will decide how NaMo fares

While Shailaja Bajpai may be a good journalist, but Logic does not seem to be her forte. She rates Rahul Gandhis interview as tough. As a representative of Congress he was cornered on 84. Just to make things easier for her to understand, can an interviewer corner Ms Shailaja on 26/11? While my question may sound bizarre, but logic is plain and simple, one can be CORNERED only on things that he/she is PART off and not on issues that one is not remotely associated with. So Shailaja in a way admits that party that RaGa represents has some role to play in 84 riots and hence he was cornered. 

The basic flaw in her arguments lies in Assuming Rahul Gandhi as the PM candidate of the Congress party. A decision that even Congress party has not taken. So what prompts Ms Bajpai to assume that RaGa is the PM candidate of congress and UPA? Is she endorsing the fact that no one apart from the dynasty can assume the position? If not, then RaGa appeared for an interview as a representative of the party and took questions. If I am not mistaken, many senior BJP leaders have appeared on all possible media and have answered the tough questions Ms Bajpai is talking about.

If Ms Bajpai wants to play a game of words and point that it was me who brought up this 2002 and not her, let me then gently ask her, what tough questions did she expect Namo to face? Astrophysics? Nanotechnology? The reader of her article need not be an anteryami to visualize the glee on her face while mentioning the Tough Question. The itch to bring back the ghost of 2002 is uncontrollable. What does she want? And what does she expect? In wake of the SIT findings, is she indicating to hold a media trail and replace the judicial process by tough questions? Does she think by posing tough questions TRUTH can be altered? If not then, is this entire exercise just to make the interviewee uncomfortable, a sadistic pleasure she is looking forward too? What tough questions she intends to ask and what responses she assumes will be elicited? How many tough questions has PM Manmohan Singh answered before and after becoming the PM of the country? If answering tough question is a basic eligibility criterion to become the PM of the country, should she not be focusing her energies to ask few to the current PM, who has for the past 10 years failed to qualify the basic criterion set by her?

Not only, she disagrees with the format of the interaction but also with the choice of channel and media. May be I am new to the liberal world of intelligentsia, but I still think, it is much more important to know about the vision, the ideas ,the source of inspiration, the value system of a candidate destined to be the PM of India than asking him some questions about what he did in summer of 69. She goes on to say Modi had the time of his life, repeating much of what he says in his election rally speeches. Dear Madam Bajpai what new did we hear from Rahul Gandhi that his party has not been saying for past zillion years, and was his response to the Tough questions any different to the partys line of communication?

I am amazed that she missed asking Tough questions to Mr Scindia' when he, for 2 consecutive years cancelled the event where Gujarat Discoms were to be awarded. Or to Ms Sonia Gandhi on the water/electricity/road condition in Rae Barailley (in fact will love to see her gather courage enough to ask her the simplest of simple question),or some questions about a certain Private citizen. At this juncture, I must do good to remind madam Bajpai , that Modi had been subjected to an un-precedent scrutiny and numerous media trials in last 12 years, that, in spite of any central agencies under the UPA government having failed to find any shred of clinching evidence against him. While intensity of such love oped's for Mr Gandhi will increase as desperation grows, its my genuine request to Ms Shailaja Bajpai and likes to have faith in the collective wisdom of the electorate. Ms Bajapi must not confuse TV studios with the country. Modi is out to face the nation and it is for nation to decide how he fares.

* (Till then would request Ms Bajapi to publish a list of subjects to be considered as tough questions, for the good of general public. The same can be referred too, in future by simple people to classify interviews and judge if it makes good TV or not)


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