The Next Anna may not be as Peaceful

The recent public self-righteous rhetoric and emergence of non political leadership has been a topic of much debate and has raised serious concerns on the very character of an “Argumentative Indian”. The other wise docile and abiding Indian middle class has suddenly become the cynosure of all. The Academia is highly concerned of this growing public rhetoric and isolated incidents of “personal attacks” are been seen in connection of this Street Power and theories propounded to the effect that metamorphosis of Argumentative Indian to Intolerant Indian is just round the corner. This intolerant Indian in making is being accused of, substituting the arguments with action, result: attack on parliamentarians and having no regards for elected Parliament.

Where any such non constitutional attempt to supersede the wisdom of parliament is abominable, one must at the same time remember that when Parliament moves away from people, people must and will find ways to make parliament come back to them. The public outcry experienced in recent past is not a part of clandestine political agenda of right wing and is neither an attempt by people to sabotage the parliament.

This entire disillusionment stems from the deeper rooted frustrations of civilians. The Intolerant Indian is intolerant because of systemic apathy towards mitigation of his problems. Election after election he has been promised and promises not delivered.

The alienation that public is experiencing now, is unprecedented, and coupled with bad governance, it has reached the thresh-hold. Increasing concentration of wealth with few and frequent misuse of power for personal gratification has left a common man with no choice.

Cornered, a common man is left with only two options, either to continue living the miserable life in Shining India or to resort to means to vent out his anger against people, who in the first place are responsible for it.

While physical attack on anyone and everyone is unanimously condemned, time demands for a serious introspection by the ruling class. Such eruption of public emotion has till now been constructive but may not be so in future.


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