
Showing posts from 2012

Cricket:Ind Vs Pak. Is that all we care about??

Statutory Warning: The following piece of writing is not a work of fiction. Strictly not for those academically motivated souls who feel entertaining faculties of dance, drama and sports value more than human life. Readers’ discretion advised. “One can’t choose his neighbors’, but one still has all the power on this earth to choose how he decides to entertain them” If you are a cricket fan, which I presume you being an Indian are bound to be, I apologize for hurting your sentiments by this article of mine. While I am all game for watching and participating in sporting activities SPORTINGLY, I detest playing with MURDURERS. While most of you will wince and wail at my outlandish suggestion of branding Pakistan as such, my dear gentle folks my only question: what kind of pleasures you derive playing with terrorists? Yes, I can hear you all cry, cricketers are not terrorist, but if an INDIAN JAWAN at border is as Indian as you and me, then a Pakistani cricketers are as Pakis

Derby-The Heart of England

Journey through England is a journey through time (interspersed with numerous cups of cream tea and buttered scones). No sight on this earth can match the splendor of an English country-side during summers. It is a country of tea-sippers, dog-lovers, cricket-bores and men more fascinated with their gardens than their wives. To some it’s a lesson in world history. To some it’s a step child of weather. To some, its just the most incomprehensible place on this earth. Welcome to England. At Manchester Airport, I was greeted with more than just, bright sunshine. Staying at Derby, the geographical centre of England, it was my best chance to discover the English country side. And next few days were magical broom ride, through the most enchanting scenery. Day 1 Matlock Bath A return bus ticket to Matlock from Derby enabled me to take the journey at my pace. A stopover at Crich was rewarding. Crich Tramway Village , is a recreated historic village, is  set along a period stree

Why Kalmadi and A.Raja are back and Yeddy out?

Now while legal standing of cases and charges being faced by BSY and Suresh Kalmadi may be same, the implications are quite different. While one is reinstated to his near former glory by inclusion into parliamentary committee, the other chose to disassociate himself from the party. In the former case while the Congress party chose to stand with its tainted minister,BJP on the other hand made no visible effort to concede to the pressure of its first CM in South. The exit of BSY from a party of which he was a member for last four decades and help bring in power, is itself an indication enough of the proprietary of organization. Its ironical that while country was celebrating the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of Nation, Mr Kalmadi and A. Raja were reinstated at the order of one who incidentally happens to share her last name with him. What was the need? Why was government in such a hurry to get back the people who in past few years have been the cause of its bigge

Why this Kolaveri di against Team Anna ?

While Team Anna, invites much political balderdash and vitriol from media and candle burning elitists, what puzzles me is the target of wrath. Are the members of Team Anna the target or the Anti-graft movement itself? While, no amount of reason can lead me to believe that a sane person would ever object to anti-corruption, unless he himself is corrupt, the only acceptable cause of heart ache to many , in that case seems, Team Anna members. In the wake of allegations against them ,it seems a plausible explanation. But surprisingly Team Anna criticizer’s existed even before the allegations were leveled against them. Any amount of reasoning will lead one to conclude the sanctity of their conduct, and hence the virtue of their criticism. My heart reaches out to second group of criticizer’s (mostly media and media sympathizer’s), who find the conduct of individual Team Anna member’s deplorable and hence the venom-spit. Media has spend more hours debating the allegations against Team Anna

The Indian Secular Experiment.

India was never a secular country. But neither was it communal. For a country, where partition (based on religion) was the price it had to pay for its Freedom, it was very difficult for the architects of modern day India to make a constitution that was religion indifferent. But it was better done,than said. Religion was kept out of the governing principles and state followed a neutral, no favor policy towards all religion, as an attempt to safeguard its future against the odd that it had just witnessed. India threw off the cloak of imperial legacy to became world’s largest democracy. The newly formed constitution ensured that the interests of its citizen were safeguarded equally. But this was detrimental to the growth of the political agenda and dynastic Politics. A democratically united India shall not let itself be ruled by a crown again. But what if, the crown championed a representative cause.   And with the 42 nd amendment act , the cause was born. India constitutionally declare

The Next Anna may not be as Peaceful

The recent public self-righteous rhetoric and emergence of non political leadership has been a topic of much debate and has raised serious concerns on the very character of an “Argumentative Indian”. The other wise docile and abiding Indian middle class has suddenly become the cynosure of all. The Academia is highly concerned of this growing public rhetoric and isolated incidents of “personal attacks” are been seen in connection of this Street Power and theories propounded to the effect that metamorphosis of Argumentative Indian to Intolerant Indian is just round the corner. This intolerant Indian in making is being accused of, substituting the arguments with action, result: attack on parliamentarians and having no regards for elected Parliament. Where any such non constitutional attempt to supersede the wisdom of parliament is abominable, one must at the same time remember that when Parliament moves away from people, people must and will find ways to make parliament come back to the

The Great Indian NEWS Adventure

Remember DD News, the characteristic sober faced news anchors .Though one might be tempted (considering the current trend of histrionics), to accuse them of monotone, but News was then all about Moderation. Our teachers asked us to emulate them when we spoke English. NEWS was then an hourly daily affair, but it made sure one knew everything worth knowing.News was then not a story, and hence had only one version: TRUTH. But Media has since come a long way. Private Independent channels entered the foray. It was the time when news rooms got bigger, and news making was institutionalized. An army of professional anchors were all over the place, literally reporting from over the ground and under the water. With over a dozen news channels at his disposal, the average Indian viewer was thrilled with this news adventure. The News in India changed forever. Credibility of news today is always under scanner. Below is an attempt to explore the major reasons which lead to increased media apathy