Why this Kolaveri di against Team Anna ?

While Team Anna, invites much political balderdash and vitriol from media and candle burning elitists, what puzzles me is the target of wrath. Are the members of Team Anna the target or the Anti-graft movement itself?
While, no amount of reason can lead me to believe that a sane person would ever object to anti-corruption, unless he himself is corrupt, the only acceptable cause of heart ache to many , in that case seems, Team Anna members. In the wake of allegations against them ,it seems a plausible explanation. But surprisingly Team Anna criticizer’s existed even before the allegations were leveled against them. Any amount of reasoning will lead one to conclude the sanctity of their conduct, and hence the virtue of their criticism.

My heart reaches out to second group of criticizer’s (mostly media and media sympathizer’s), who find the conduct of individual Team Anna member’s deplorable and hence the venom-spit. Media has spend more hours debating the allegations against Team Anna member’s than Janlokpal Bill. But if allegations are anything to go by, then should we still be listening to these superbly intelligent media diva’s and boy toys? 

While any allegation made against any free citizen by an institution is a serious question on the conduct of the individual, but weren’t the sudden barrage of allegations against all TA members’ more than just co-incidence? Cases pending for years were discovered and pursued. What an eruption of efficiency!! Bait was thrown and the predators rushed in to devour the credibility of the members. But if the charges were so serious, that it posed a question to the sanctity of the anti-graft movement, what happened to them? Why are they not being pursued? Why is an extremely able government allowing such erring citizens to go scot-free? 

While I, in no manner seek to justify any individual’s conduct, what I want to ask is, do allegations against the member render the cause non contextual? Does it in any manner reduce the need for an effective anti-corruption law? While the Supreme Parliamentarians, who we have entrusted to legislate, can, after allegations against them, sit in the parliament and form laws, why can not a citizen, under same circumstances ask for better laws? 

Even if one fails to agree to the methods adopted by Team Anna, the cause can still not be questioned. Ironically time and again, reasons have been invented to cauterize the Team and mould public opinion against them.They have been more often written off, for variety of reasons, than appraised for standing up against all odds, for a cause. To all those who dole easy sermons to Team Anna from their air conditioned studio’s, sirs and madams, it takes a lot to be out there on road. What have they done against corruption, to qualify as a specialist and prescribe to Team Anna

While allegations abound and criticism mounts, all I seek from every free thinking citizen of this country to spare a minute and think and share the responsibility in building a better tomorrow.


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