Why Kalmadi and A.Raja are back and Yeddy out?

Now while legal standing of cases and charges being faced by BSY and Suresh Kalmadi may be same, the implications are quite different. While one is reinstated to his near former glory by inclusion into parliamentary committee, the other chose to disassociate himself from the party. In the former case while the Congress party chose to stand with its tainted minister,BJP on the other hand made no visible effort to concede to the pressure of its first CM in South. The exit of BSY from a party of which he was a member for last four decades and help bring in power, is itself an indication enough of the proprietary of organization.

Its ironical that while country was celebrating the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of Nation, Mr Kalmadi and A. Raja were reinstated at the order of one who incidentally happens to share her last name with him. What was the need? Why was government in such a hurry to get back the people who in past few years have been the cause of its biggest embarrassment both at home and abroad? These open ended questions become quite simple if one looks it from a slightly different angle. Now you may be tempted to call me a conspiracy theorist but just for minute let’s assume, that A.Raja or Mr Kalmadi were just the front runners. Would not then the real operators worry an expose? The safest would be to put the parrot in a golden cage near the demon, where he can keep an eye on it, keep it safe. One wrong word by parrot and the secret lies revealed.
While the argument that the duo Raja, Kalmadi are not convicted, and hence have CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to be a part of the parliament and its working committee might be true, but what about the DUTY? Is it not the MORAL duty of the elected government of India, to provide Indians with a legislative, which is responsible and accountable? How does one under such circumstances retain faith in democracy? Does it not raise questions on the commitment of the government to fight against corruption?

Out of 542 members in parliament, could government not find one eligible person to be a part of the standing committee that it had to bring the corrupt back? This shows the utter contempt this government has for people and its disregard for proprietary? But then again who enforces proprietary in congress. Not at least the demon, whose life is trapped, in the parrot. 


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